Monday, September 21, 2009

Kill'n time.

Mon. Sept. 21st 2009
Omaha Nabraska, and my friend Tracy's house.
Road accross Nabraska in one day. 550mi. That's a new record for the trip. Was intending to leave Nabraska today, but had a late night, and subsequently a late start....and then it was raining...:) Eh. Fuck it. It's a vacation / adventure. Sometimes it's good to know when not to force things.
My back is flaring up again.
I've got two new tires waiting/ordered for me in Cedar Rapids Iowa. My sister lives out near there, and I was always planning on getting a new back tire....but upon inspection of the front tire, I decided that it would be good to change that one out also. It had worn down in a funny way, and have several deep gouges in it I had not noticed before! ahh! It did pretty good. 8,500 miles and only 3/4 worn down. wish I could get that out of the back one!
Nabraska is beautiful riding! riding from the west, you come out of the Black hills(which arn't any peticular color), and then into the protected grasslands, which are like a grass desert. After that the gentle hills begin, and the corn starts. Endless corn! By this time of year I'm told it's all feed corn, that sweet corn was harvested several weeks ago:(
Once the road traveled up about 30feet for an overpass. I swear you could see the entire state.
I had perfect cell phone coverage the entire time.
One more day here in Nabraska, I'll play with the kitten some more, and then go shopping for dinner. I love the gentle art of killing time!

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