Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Let the journey delayed!

In the never ending unpredictability and randomness of life, the motorcycle trip to Alaska has been delayed for a couple of weeks. Boohooo. But not really. It's good news!
As of Monday June 8th, I am officially 1 of an 18 person team of scientists and artists traveling with Cape Farwell on an expedition to the Andes documenting, studying and creating art about climate change.
Knock me over with a feather!
Please visit the links at the end of this posting for more intimate details on the various organizations involved. The websites provide information in compact and easily digestible press releases, to the full on awesomeness about this expedition.
The mind is spinning with all the possibilities. Art, science, nature. The energy and dedication of people striving towards a great cause is inspiring and intoxicating! It's a little mirror to inspect what we personally have been doing to change the world.
Ahh. Way too serious!
Follow the links and enjoy the little side trip to a motorcycle trip across the country and to Alaska!

- Cape Farewell
- Oxford (ECI)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Let the journey begin!

Hi friends, family and perfect strangers!
It has been requested by many wonderful and respected people that I
keep a blog durring my insane motorcycle trip to Alaska. While this is
not usually my style, (more of a quiet in the corner kind of guy) I'm
always up for something new!
So, with a little over a week till the schedualed departure this is
the official first blog posting!
I hope this experiment is a sucsess for everyone involved!