Saturday, August 8, 2009


Sat. August 8th 2009
Hope BC, Canada
Had a super late start from Seattle. Bought a hotel room for the night here in Hope. Travel Motel. It's actually much nicer than it would seem. And pretty cheep also. $40 or so.
Getting a feeling for the days of the journey.
Wake->Stress about the bike holding up->Rejoice at the end of the day.
Only touched the tip of BC, but it was breathtaking. America and Canada are fairly different. Stores on the American side of the border. Farms on the Canadian side. The strangeness to one another is blunt.
Tomorrow, going to try and make it to Prince George. Not sure the distance at the moment, but between here and there on the map is a place called the "100 mile house". That sounds undaunting.
Hit reserve on the gas tank at 87mi today. Should have easily gotten 100? Not sure what to think about that just yet.
The reason for leaving Seattle so late was my fear I had ruined the rockerbox gasket when I over filled the oil several days ago. The bike's been leaking pretty honestly since then. The dealer in NY assured me that I would make it back to NY just fine....I lied and didn't mention that I was riding to Alaska. Not many people have been to impressed on me taking the Buell Blast to Fairbanks...and I was not in the mood for any possible lip:) It will be a fun story to tell them when I get back to NYC!