Friday, July 31, 2009

Watching the clouds go by.

July.31st 2009
Sitting in my friend's appartment here in Seattle. Even though my tires are not that worn down, on a whim(and an air of caution), I decided to get a new set before the long ride to Fairbanks Alaska.
It's about 3,000 miles from here.

Upon rolling up to Seattle, I realized that it's probably one of few major cities I've not been to in the US. Our family was rather nomadic when we were growing up. We were various ages for the cross country trips, but we saw most of it. As an adult nearly every place I drive though or visit I get a sence of having been to the place already in a dream. This was different though, it was new and exciting.

Quick bit about the ride up to Seattle.
The Pacific Coast Highway is amazing! Highly recomended to anyone on a motorcycle! Tons of twisties. And the Redwoods are there! I went and rode the Ave.Of the Gients 3 times I think:)
North was definatly the way to travel the road if you are a new biker(which I was/am). You travel on the inland side of the road, not the clif side.
Don't know if it was the time of year...but for 1,000mi, there was a head wind. Only noticed on the bits of road that dip inland and the speedlimit increase to people drive 75-80. The little Buell Blast with me and all the stuff had a hard time of it. Thing was thumpin like crazy. Not sure if I was hurting the bike riding it like that!? Ahh. There is so much to learn about motorcycles? Maybe riding to Alaska though the middle of knowwhere canada wasn't the best first choice:)
The coast was colder than I expected. Temps hovered around 50-60 deg. Wound up wearing my rain jacket all the time.