Sunday, September 13, 2009

Something painful.

Sun. Sept.13th 2009

So there is one thing I hate about traveling. It's something that I've been aware of, and know I'm going to have to deal with every time I leave the house on any sort of adventure.
You make these super quick crazy friendships on the road. People you meet at gas stations, in museums, on trains etc. Fellow travelers, locals...all sorts of folks. Just as quickly as you make a new friend, you are ripped apart forever.
As I was taking advantage of a new campsite here in Glacier yesterday, my friend Ted from last night, who gave me a beer and firewood fired up his bike and roared away. Then I realized he had broken down camp already....that he was leaving...from where I was he would not see my new camp site....of any evidence that I was still there. Sure enough, he gave a glance and headed out of the camp.
It was crazy. Who was this guy? Why should I care? We had swapped stories of riding, drank a beer and sat around a fire. He was a stranger. Yet, as with all my quick friends, it was sad parting. I never thanked him for the wood, or the company, or the drink.
Till the day I die, it will break my heart a little every time I have to say good bye.
Spent the day hiking around glacier. Tomorrow I'll head off into the sunrise!